I am happy to report that this blog is coming to you straight from my new apartment! (Pics to come.) This week was the LONGEST and CRAZIEST yet... early morning duty, all-state choir auditions, theory ws, theory test, test re-dos, midterm grades due (involved long hours staring at my online grade book), t-shirt orders, fundraiser planning and, oh yeah, I decided to move out. So, needless to say, I didn't have a second to even think about packing until Friday night. My friend Caleb came over to help me pack and discovered that packing/moving is quite possibly the one thing that manages to bring out the very worst in me. I didn't know where to begin, then I pouted, then I cried, then I started randomly throwing things in boxes, cried some more, took out my frustration on everyone around me, and then gave up and went to bed. I woke up at the butt-crack of dawn on Saturday and finished the job. By 8:10, we were loading up the Penske truck and heading to my new home. Two trips later, I was in. The place looks great-- not as bare as I thought it might. I made a trip to Wal-Mart with my mom and got groceries/ a few decorative things to add some touches of home. Caleb showed up with flowers and wine. We sat and enjoyed the wine on my couch... the one he sold me a couple of months ago... that's how we met. ;-) Elphie Cat finally ventured out from her hiding place under my bed around 10ish and explored her new home. She is terrified of the stairs, so I have to carry her past them so that she will go into the living room. I woke up this morning and found her right back under the bed again. She only leaves to visit the litterbox. She really hasn't eaten anything. Hopefully she will acclimate soon, because I miss my purr box!
Highs of the week: Caleb's surprise flowers/wine, Hanging out with the fam at my new pad, Drinking tea on my balcony and watching the rain this morning
Lows of the week: A kid called me an f-ing B in an anonymous comment on our choir webpage. He also threw in a line about how much he hates one of our pieces. My thoughts? Well, at least you know what we're singing! His screen name, comically, was PEN1S. Luckily, I have to approve everything before it goes up, so I'm the only one that could see it. Pretty sure I know who it is. This kid was the star of the show with the old choir teacher, but I call him out when he is being disruptive. Not going to give him special treatment just because he is talented. Pretty sure he doesn't appreciate it. Oh well!
Have a great weekend, everybody!
So excited to see pictures! Super sweet of Caleb too :) As for the dorkface kid...grumble. Gotta love those ones. Watch, you'll end up being like his favorite teacher in the end.